Collaboration is Essential in Our Working Groups

PaCMEN Working Groups

  • Bio-Bank

    To address: Development of a system for specimen tracking, accessioning, and management of samples. Development of SOPs for sample collection across trials for specific assay platforms.
    • Chair: Vinod Balachandran, M.D.
    • Co-Chair: Andrew Aguirre, M.D., Ph.D.
    • Members:Vinod Balachandran, Anirban Maitra ,Juan Posadas Ruiz, Andrew Aguirre,Sumana M. Dey, Peter Ujhazy
  • Assays and Technical Methodologies Working Group

    To address: Develop the process and workflow for cross-consortium standardization and analytical validation of assays; selection of assays; development of criteria for their prioritization and approval; identify resources available for consortium for Assays.
    • Chair: Stephanie Dougan, Ph.D.
    • Co-Chair: Costas Lyssiotis, Ph.D.
    • Members: Howard Crawford, Stephanie Dougan, Gregory Beatty, Costas Lyssiotis, Lonnie Shea, Subrata Sen
  • Bioinformatics/Statistics Working Group

    Standardization of data collection methods and data interpretation for use across the consortium; provide centralized biostatistics, bioinformatics, and computational biology expertise for data analysis and interpretation; assess the association between assay results and therapeutic response;
    • Chair: Jack Lee, Ph.D.
    • Co-Chair: Ben Greenbaum, Ph.D.
    • Members: Jack Lee, Ben Greenbaum, Jason Roszik, Waree Rinsurongkawong, Juan Posadas Ruiz, Jiexin Zhang, Marta Luksza
  • Correlative Studies Working Group

    To address: Identifying correlative studies for potential clinical trials; process of working with individual trial networks; general scientific considerations for biomarker and platform selection.
    • Chair: Gregory Beatty, M.D., Ph.D.
    • Co-Chair: Yves Boucher, Ph.D.
    • Members:Eileen O'Reilly, Yves Boucher, Rakesh Jain, Mikael Pittet, Dan Duda, Dai Fukumura, Hang Lee, Sunil R. Hingorani, Gregory Beatty, Manuel Hidalgo, Stanley Hamilton
  • Model Platform Working Group

     To address: establish in vivo and in vitro model repositories and distribution units for consortium, centrally offer PDXs models which can be utilized to test hypotheses generated by each U01 site.
    • Chair: Howard Crawford, Ph.D.
    • Co-Chair: Senthil Muthuswamy, Ph.D.
    • Members: Anirban Maitra, Christine Iacobuzio, Sunil R. Hingorani, Howard Crawford, Marina Pasca di Magliano, Timothy Frankel, Manuel Hidalgo, Senthil Muthuswamy
  • Tumor Atlas Working Group

    To address: service as liaison with other programs at NCI for other tumors sites to contribute to the greater source of information on tumor micro environment.
    • Chair: Taha Merghoub, Ph.D.
    • Co-Chair: Andy Aguirre, Ph.D.
    • Members: Taha Merghoub, Vinod Balachandran, Greg Beatty, Andy Aguirre, Peter Ujhazy, Subrata Sen

National Cancer Institute Members (NCI)

Toby Hecht, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis
Associate Director
Translational Research Program

Jeff Hildesheim, Ph.D.
Branch Chief
Tumor Biology and Microenvironment Branch
Division of Cancer Biology

Sumana Dey, Ph.D.
Program Officer
Cancer Diagnosis Program
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

Steve Nothwehr, Ph.D.
Program Officer
Translational Research Program
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis

Peter Ujhazy, MD, Ph.D.
Deputy Associate Director
Translational Research Program
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis